Mindfulness is used in therapy as a skill to discover one’s state of mental awareness. I use this technique to help clients centre in the present moment and recognise their emotions, thoughts and physical senses. This helps bring
calmness as they slowly accept what they feel in their body and mind. Self-awareness brings clarity that helps you know who you are and what you are doing. We go about our daily lives like an automaton doing what we need to do. Mindfulness allows you to pause and think about what you are doing. It enables you to know that you do not have to be perfect. You are allowed to make mistakes, the very core of being human.
You can practice mindfulness while you go about your life, like being aware of how you feel, what you say or do not say, where you are and where you want to go. When you become more conscious of your emotions and sensations, you can seek to resolve issues you feel might be holding you back. Mindfulness helps strengthen emotional health where you become your own anchor. Self-awareness is the start of that beautiful journey of knowing who you are in this world.